A music podcast saluting your favorite albums

From old classics to fresh sensations

Each episode, radio DJ Barb Abney and musician Augustus Watkins meet with a special guest to revisit and pay tribute to a great album from side one track one to the final chord.

Tied to the Tracks Hosts

Barb Abney

Barb Abney

Barb is a radio veteran with over 25 years of indie and public radio under her belt. She cut her teeth in the biz at the heritage modern rock station 97X. Then on to WOXY.com and next Minnesota Public Radio’s AAA station The Current. These days she hosts “Radio Free Current” on The Current. 


Augustus Watkins

Augustus Watkins

Augustus is a creatively restless musician who first made his name in the Minneapolis music scene as a bombastic frontman with a high vocal range and thrilling stage presence. Currently based in Los Angeles, Watkins’ current musical projects include Bijou Noir, Tulip Tiger, and DEATHDANCE. He also co-owns the boutique record label GIVE/TAKE.


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Bonus conversations have included topics such as Dykes on Bikes, menopause, the rise and fall of secret songs, whether or not Gen Z knows what a newspaper is, and a lot more.

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